Abundant Therapist: Have you found your business buddy?

You may have a gym buddy, but have you got a business buddy?

One of the keys to success in running a profitable therapy business is having the right mindset. This is easier if you surround yourself with successful people who want to achieve – just as you do.

We all know that exercise is more effective if it is fun and social. We know what a  ‘gym buddy’ is – a friend or acquaintance you meet at the gym. Their role is to give you a nudge if you are flagging or thinking about giving up.

If you are serious about growing your therapy business and making good money, it is time to find your business buddy.

We therapists often work on our own which is wonderful because we can take our own decisions and earn good money.

But we still need a business buddy with whom we can discuss challenges, float new ideas and celebrate success.

I am that business buddy for the therapists who work with me on my business coaching programmes.

I give clarity, direction, focus and – very importantly –  encouragement and praise to the therapists on my courses.

I have been in your situation – starting my own physiotherapy clinic in a new area and trying to find clients. My courses are designed specifically for therapists like you. They are not generic business coaching courses.

Join my Abundant Therapy coaching programme and I will become your business buddy to guide and encourage you to grow your therapy clinic, whether you are a start-up or an established set up.

My therapists have a private Facebook page where we talk and share ideas so you will be joining a network focused on providing excellent care and making good money.

Send me your email address and I will invite you to join this group. I will also send you a free copy of my e-book which will give you an idea of my coaching methods.

Pop you details in the box on this page and you will soon be reading The 3 mistakes that therapists make in their business by not using a recommendations system and ….how to fix them!’ 

You will be on your way to boosting your income and joining a network of therapists with me at the helm as your business buddy!



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'3 Mistakes Therapist Owners Make'

3 Mistakes that therapists make in their business by not using a recommendation system and how to fix them!

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